Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Nine: Symphony of the Twilight
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons, and Spells Checklist
Cursed Blade
Scepter of the Troll King
Raise Dead Spell
Morgul Blade
Staff of the Dead
Staff of Life
Fear Spell
Moose #9
Charm Spell

Battle your way through the Ghouls. They're already fairly slow, so using lightning is a good idea here. A single F-Q-F-Q-S-S-A beam will work for anything in this first area. Pure arcane beams would heal them, but so long as your beam has other elements, they'll still take damage �albeit less than usual. Another good spell against the undead hordes is F-Q-F-Q-F-F-F as a spray, due to the fact that many of them don't have many HP. The big swamp Treants will not pose a serious threat, however they can be frustrating as they can grab you from quite some distance. Use space to break free, then back off and put some distance between you, then use the Wet'n'Zap beam. Be careful as you walk through water, you'll get wet, yourself. Dry off with fire and keep moving. Toward the end of the area, a necromancer will appear and raise up a small army of skeletons that are very weak. Use the beam spell in area form to zap them all at once.

Enter area 2, where the first fight is against two of the swamp Treants. I found that when they took turns picking me up, my Wizard would face them and they'd shift who was the target of the beam. I let them do so, and held on to the beam. Both will die fairly quickly this way. Cross the bridge, tag the checkpoint, and you'll be met with a necromancer who will summon several skeletal warriors to attack you. Many zombies will also rise up from the graves. Use area spells to blast the weaker ones, then focus beams on the rest. The warriors will have dropped Cursed Blades upon death, which is a poisoning weapon (Useless in my opinion). Destroy the lock on the door, then walk into the western tomb to find a Sherlock Holmes secret, Scepter of the Troll King. You may not want the item, but you can at least tag it then switch back to your other staff. Now you're free to enter the Church.

The first battle here is quite difficult. You can find yourself surrounded. If you do, use Teleport (A-S-A, Space) to get away. Use area spells against them. Many of the enemies in the pack are not very sturdy. When you've finished them all off, look for the Raise Dead Spell to the north of the room. A necromancer will have dropped the Staff of the Dead, and you will also find the Morgul Blade on the ground, dropped by an enemy. At this point, exit the Church through the eastern door. After a cutscene with Future Vlad, you'll move on to the fourth area.

Use caution moving east through this field. If you go too quickly, you can face a very large army of the undead. Move on to the village.

It's important you not cast any spells other than heal against the Villagers. Their friendship is vital to you moving on. Look in the far east for another Staff of Life. Run about, and cast your heal spell on all six villagers until they say thanks, then approach the Castle.
Right when you walk in, look for the Fear and Charm spells in the room. One is behind the couch, the other on a bookshelf. Fear will make nearby enemies flee in terror, while Charm will turn a monster to your side for a decent length of time (about 15 seconds). Both are incredibly useful utility spells. Charm in particular is nice as it works against some bosses, and ANY of the big monsters you encounter in the game! It's also pretty easy to remember, just spell WED. Moose #9 is actually mounted over the fireplace this time around. At least it's seeing some use unlike Moose 1-8.

Boss Fight Strategy � Count Vlad
First I want to get this out of the way. Vlad can be charmed, but that will suck all of the fun out of the boss fight. Somewhat less exploitative is the Fear spell, which will make him run from you. If you want to beat him 'honest', you're in for a somewhat difficult fight. Keep your personal shield up, and blast him with a F-Q-F-Q-A-A-S beam. He seems to resist arcane, and can't be chilled. Another alternative is to hit him with Earth/Ice attacks, which can do very heavy damage in a single shot. If he latches on to you, hammer space or cast the teleport spell, as he'll heal himself for a ton of hp when this happens. When Vlad at last is defeated, he'll teleport you to Niflheim.