Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Seven: Return to Castle Aldrheim
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons and Spells Checklist
Teleport Spell
Moose #1, Grease, Staff of the White Wizard, Excalibur, Staff of Life (Second chances)

At last we know what happened to Baleyg! That was a decent story element. Who knew the events of Chapter 1 would come full circle this way. This chapter is really short. You'll get second chances to get some of the Achievements in the level. See my guide to Chapter One to get the scoop on anything you may have missed.
If you already got the loot here, you can just pass through the level. Play around with teleport. It's a really zippy way to get around. Really, this section doesn't much deserve a page, but any late-comers to my guide coming here can be informed of the things they missed.

There is something of note here. If you care at all about Achievements, don't bother casting any regular spells. Just use Teleport to get around. You'll get the "Too Fancy for Fireballs" Achievement. It's really the only sensible opportunity to do so, as every other fight will require some amount of regular spells on your part.
When you reach the military camp where you fought Ygg in Chapter 1, you'll be directed through an alternate exit and into the "Abandoned" Jarn Mines.