Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Eight: The Mine Sweepers
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons and Spells Checklist
Thunder Storm Spell
Frost Cleaver
Summon Phoenix
Staff of Fire
Goblin Staff
Moose #8
Staff of Invisibility

First fight the goblins north on the bridge. They are armored, so you'll need to knock off their shields first. Throughout this level, use Conflagration (F-Q-F-F-Q-F-F-Q, Space) to hit archers in the back row. They take a little longer to kill than the last archers you faced, but one casting is still enough. Use a strong area spell like F-Q-S-S-A-A to deal with the warriors. Head a little north and grab the Thunder Storm spell from the cave above. I'm not a big fan of this spell (or Blizzard/Meteor Storm for that matter), but it's nice for completion's sake.
The next fight on a bridge definitely affords some potential for you to be surrounded. Use the aforementioned area spell. You'll be surrounded by both sides. You could prepare a chilling spray to slow the approaching warriors (R-R-R-R-R).Two castings of the area spell should be enough to kill the warriors in each group. When you're done there, use teleport to get across where the raised bridge is located to the east.
You'll fight on yet another bridge, and this battle is far more drawn out. Use F-Q-S-S-A-A in beam form to blast them one at a time. You can put up a shield to block incoming attackers for a moment. Also, if you're surrounded, use Teleport! A-S-A is simple enough to cast. This will get you out of range of the melee. Conflagration is very helpful here, as you can deal with archers behind the tanks. When the big Troll comes, use the R-R-A-A-S beam to stop him in his tracks and pop him in one cast. One of the Goblins here will drop the Frost Cleaver which probably isn't as good as your current weapon.

When you reach the other side, take the southern path to find the Summon Phoenix spell. It's not that great, but can be used tactically. Press W-A-F, Space and then walk away... The bird crashes where the Wizard was standing. It will kill you in a single hit. It does very high area fire damage, but only a direct hit will really make the spell worth it.

Head north, and you'll get a Checkpoint and must teleport over a gap. The next fight can be very tough. Goblins will initially come out of the cave, and there are archers perched up high. Use Thunder Bolt to hit the archers (F-Q-A-S-A, Space). Beams work well on the other Goblins. Freeze/Stun the Commander with the R-R-A-A-S beam. When you go a little further north, there will be a huge number of Goblins. This is actually very easy. Cast Conflagration (F-Q-F-F-Q-F-F-Q) to set the bomb-carriers on fire. They'll take several of their friends with them as they explode. You can also run to the south and make sure the Goblins pursue you. Teleport across the ledge and blast them from range. Simple enough eh? The reason for doing so is that the commanders can actually be quite dangerous when you're surrounded. Use Teleport then thaw yourself with fire if you're frozen.
As you approach the mines, look for a Crowbar propped up on some crates. Another pointless weapon when compared to the venerable Knife of Counter-Striking. Blast your way into the mines by detonating the barrels with a fire beam.
Inside the mines, none of your weather spells will work. For unarmoed goblins, I like to use A-A-A-F-F. A couple casts can kill a few with minimal effort. Also, the bomb goblins are in this area, so you'll do yourself a favor if you can take them out near their friends. Fiery lightning is perfect for that. Keep an eye out for explosive barrels you can use to your advantage. In this first area, go acrross the bridge (or teleport if it's not there) and you'll find a Staff of Fire. Fire Immunity is nice. It all depends what Staff you have at the time. Blast your way through the door on the other side.

This next area is dark, but you can get just a little light by zapping the generator to the north (a puzzle mechanic that has not been used since the Tutorial). Cross the dark bridge afterward. Remember, you can cast fire if you want to see what's around. At the bridge with the Troll, use the bridge itself as a bottleneck. Remember Conflagration and its uses for taking out archers. To the left, you'll see a thing that looks a bit like a water tower. Shoot conflagration to the north to eliminate the archers, then start casting spells against the tower's leg. It'll eventually fall, giving you a bridge to get the Secret weapon, Stung. It's one for the Sherlock Holmes achievement. It glows much like Sting from Lord of the Rings, but you don't really need that ability. Again, it'd take a lot to get you to give up the Knife of Counter-Striking, right?
The rest of this area is a cinch. There are a couple more generators, but nothing else of particular interest. Just don't fall off or you'll die!

In the next area is another Wizard. This guy was all too easy. You can see him from quite far away. I pulled out a Lightning + Arcane + Cold beam and nuked him first. Afterward, Conflagration then just about anything to deal with the rest. In this first room you can find Moose #8. To the northeast is a Checkpoint. Look just south of it for a ledge with the Staff of Invisibility. It make take a couple tries, but you can teleport up there. Its actve ability makes you vanish. There's an Invisibility spell in this game, so having it on a staff is of debatable value.

The next battle is kind of big but it shouldn't be anything you can't handle at this pont. Freeze-Stun beam the Troll, and conflagrate any bomb carriers. The lock to the north actually gets a boss life meter. You'll need to blast your way through. The sooner you do this, the sooner you'll reach the Boss.

Boss Fight Strategy � Goblin Wizards
This is a long fight, and death means you'll have to start over. A dozen or so Wizards will attack you, a few at a time. They are very very easy to dispatch � use F-Q-F-Q-A-A-S Shift-Rightclick to kill them in one blow. Do this repeatedly, and try to catch them as they spawn in the center. Some rounds can go off without them managing to cast a single spell. A little later into the fight, a Black-robed Wizard will come down. Continue using the strong area spell to splat the Wizards and hit the Black Wizard with that same spell in beam form. When it's over, you'll have a tough choice to make, as he drops the Aristo-staff.
The trouble with this staff is that while it gives 75% resistance to every other kind of damage, it also reduces the amount you'll receive from healing to a mere +44 per cast. You can use health mines to recover instead. It's actually not a bad idea to take it. The activated ability is teleport, so you can get out of danger in a blink and use your healing mines (W-E-Shift-Rightclick). The trouble is, that will fling you across the screen, so you'll need to cast a E area shield first. Of course, you can raise heal to full with 20 castings of normal healing as well. It's a tough call. The Staff of War is much easier to handle � and it effectively gives you some resistance from the doubling of hit points.