Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Six: Return of the Wizard
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons, and Spells Checklist
Blizzard Spell
Staff of War
Staff of Deflection
Demon's Arm Staff
Moose #7
Gnarled Staff
Goblin Staff
Staff of the Dead
Righteous Rod of Runes

The first thing you'll want to do is grab the only Magick spell in this Chapter, Blizzard. If you got Grease in Chapter 1, you'll be familiar with this. Use Cold magic on the lake to the northeast, where Blizzard sits on a little island. After that, backtrack and head north. You'll have to deal with an Adept once again. Killing him will give you another shot at the Staff of War. If you don't have one and are playing solo, I strongly recommend you take it. Double life and physical resistance is very hard to beat!

Heading north, you'll fight your first Demon. They can fade out, being immune to all damage. When they phase in, you can hit them with your spells. F-Q-S-S-A-A is a great spell for dealing with them. They'll explode into bits. If you DON'T do this, you'll have to fight 3 smaller ones (demonlings) after the Demon's dead. Head up the stars. Take note that your Wizard can fall off, so be extra careful fighting in areas like this throughout the chapter.

The next area will pit you against a group of demonlings. They materialize when they're close. To avoid getting swarmed, use a spell like F-S-A-A-A Shift-Rightclick to hit an area. This spell will have a short area of effect, but deal a high amount of damage, protecting you from their melee attacks.

You'll fight a lot of demons and cross a series of moving platforms. You'll eventually come to a checkpoint. Just past it is a bridge with a Wizard statue that is holding the Staff of Deflection. Its Deflection Aura can be helpful when fighting enemy Wizards, but I'd stick with the Staff of War. Just beyond this is a Demon Lord, which is not particularly hard to kill. Be sure to use the same spell I recommended for regular Demons � F-Q-S-S-A-A. If you don't explode his body, he'll spawn 3 Demons upon death. He drops the Demon Arm staff. It adds extra duration to beam spells (unlimited actually). I find that to be pointless, as any enemy I'd fought at this point would die in a single beam cast, anyway.
Move on to the next island, which features a massive Wizard statue. This island will move, and four Demons will appear on the western side. Kill them all! When the island reaches its destination, look for Moose #7 just north of where the Demons spawned. Tag the checkpoint and press forward.

After the small spinning (dizzying) platform, you'll come to a large area. Head to the northeast to find Tyrfing, a weapon that always hits. Unfortunately that doesn't mean it can hit demons when they're noncorporeal. I stuck with the Knife of Counter-Striking. Head to the northwestern section of this island for the exit. You'll need the Haste (A-S-F, Space) spell to make it across. Start when the platform is even and jet across. I tested this with the Knife of Counter-striking alone, and it works without haste.

After the scene with Vlad, you'll at last reach Grimnir.
Boss Fight Strategy: Grimnir and the Mind Duel
Most people will come to this chapter's walkthrough for the sixth boss fight alone. This is the worst fight in Magicka, debatably. There are two things you should use throughout this fight � Water Jets (Q-Q-Q-Q-Q) and your personal shield. (E+Middle Mouse). The first phase of this fight is against six groups of various Wizard varieties. The problem is the size of the islands. You'll fall of the cliff repeatedly, unless you get it right from the start. Worse yet, you'll start over at the first round if you die! Use personal shield every time it wears off. Use Water Jets to carefully push opponents to the ledge.This doesn't work so well against the Druids in round two, but they will be staggered by it and unable to counter. The last round against a single Wizard is pretty tough, but he, too, can be pushed off the cliff. Just be sure that you use the shield against him especially, as he can one-shot kill you. The Wizards in this series of fights will drop a few types of Staves that you haven't seen yet, but none of them comes close to the Staff of War in power, and all are available in later stages. When the battle is over, you'll face Grimnir and thankfully reach a new checkpoint!

The boss fight with Grimnir is not nearly as challenging. There are only a couple of things you need to know. Fight from far back, use personal shield (E-Rightclick) and cast Nullify (S-E,Space). He'll cast tornado, conflagration, and raise shields. Your personal shield can fully absorb the hit from conflagration. You can tell when he's about to cast these special spells, as he'll glow the same way your Wizard does. When he does this, raise the personal shield and be ready to cast Nullify. Nullify will handle his illusion, tornado, and nearly every other spell he casts.

This fight feels a lot like an old console RPG. Attack when there's an opening, and take turns dispelling him. Use F-Q-F-Q-A-A-S and direct the beam at him. It will wet him and shock at the same time. Be sure to dry yourself before you cast this, on pain of death. At any rate, you're probably a lot stronger as a player after the epic six-round fight with the Wizards so Grimnir should go down easily. The ending of this fight is very unsatisfying.