Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Five: Havindr Strikes Back
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons, and Spells Checklist
Sausage on a Stick
Time Warp Spell
Captain's Axe
Staff of War
Scythe of Malevolence
Staff of Life
Moose #6
Knife of Counter-Striking
Tesla Staff
Before leaving the camp, check out the Sausage on a Stick by the fire to the southeast with two guards sitting nearby. The Sausage is a weapon that is only really useful in multiplayer. It makes enemies more likely to attack the Wizard wielding it. You'll probably want to skip this. Before leaving this area, be sure to push the guy by the pit. You'll get the 'This is Magicka!" Achievement, a nice reference to 300. This game is full of little things like this.
As you cross the bridge and pass the barricade, a cutscene will commence where a soldier is shot down by archers. From here, head west to find the Time Warp spell. This is a GREAT find! R-E, Space, and time is slowed for everyone. While your Wizard is subject to the slowed movements as well, it gives you, the player, far more time to react and can allow you to input spell combos easier in the tick of things. And, it's easy to remember! Use this with haste (A,S,F, Space) and you'll still be flying.
Shortly after beginning the journey Northeast, you'll encounter a massive Troll with a cannon. Blast him with a stunning beam � A,A,R,R,S and he'll barely be able to move. I'm a big fan of Conflagration (F-Q-F-F-Q-F-F-Q) for dealing with the archers. It kills them very quickly and removes their threat. You'll face another Disciple, which has a Staff of War in case you missed it earlier. I really recommend you take it if you didn't. The physical resistance and extra health will save your hide more often than any other staff. You will also be fighting more Armored Orcs, which are pretty nasty. I like to slow them then blast at them with beams. One of them will drop a Thunderblade. Make your way north and out of the area.
As you approach the Village, look at the fence by the entrance for the Staff of Malevolence. A staff with Life Resistance? No thanks! Fight past the Big Troll with Big Stick, and you'll get another shot at a Staff of life just south of three hay bales in a field.
The path will bring you to a fight with another Disciple. Be sure to get Moose #6 just north of the Staff of Life and the Hay Bales. The Disciples just keep getting easier. It is likely your skill as a player improving, as they still have the same old tricks. In this fight, I used Time Warp, which let me cross the beam nearby him and cause an explosion. It's quite damaging, but you'll need to follow up with something else. Time Warp gives you so much time to react it's almost an exploit!

You will come to a river and a big battle. D+F is your friend here. Charge shots and when they hit, it'll drown the enemy instantly. If enemies get close, use Fx5 to melt the ice under them. I recommend you stay on the bank to make your life much easier. Eventually another Cannon Troll will come and fire on you from range. Ignore him, just move a bit when he fires. When everything else is taken care of, dry yourself and use A-A-R-R-S to shock, slow, and kill him from range.

As soon as this battle is over, you can find one of the best items in Magicka, the Knife of Counter-Striking. Grab the Knife from behind the fence just after crossing the river. It's flat awesome for one reason � It raises your movement speed, and its effect stacks with Haste! Don't miss out on this item. Its speed boost even works during Time Warp. Get that Knife!

In the next area, work your way north fighting lots of the same enemies you've encountered in this level. I used A-A-R-R-S the entire time. It's perfect for the Armored brutes. You'll come to a cage guarded by two more armored orcs, and a switch you must pull to the left of them. It will release the big Troll from the cage, but he's squishy with that stun/cold spell. Cross the bridge, and when you get to the second switch and Checkpoint, you'll see the Tesla Staff on the ground (screenshot above).
Before you cross the bridge by the Checkpoint, kill the Troll with Lightning Bolts (F-Q-A-S-A). This will eliminate a threat for a somewhat tough fight. It's really a warm-up. You'll face multiple trolls. Without the big one firing from on high, you won't have as much trouble. Use the bridge as a bottleneck and stun beam the baddies to death as they cross.

When you flip the switch by where the Cannon troll was, you'll trigger a massive army to come through the gate. There are 2 Disciples, and many armored Orcs. They even bring a troll. It's a lot for your little Wizard to deal with. Use Time Warp and fast-cast tons of Lightning Bolts. Be careful should you get wet, but you should do fine. Beams are absolutely out of the Question with 2 Disciples to deal with. The odds they'll cross beams with you is just too high. If you get surrounded, use Cold and Time Warp so you can continue fast-casting lightning bolts. If you do this, it's unlikely you'll die unless you use a beam. Like I did.

Boss Fight Strategy: The Warlord Khan
This Boss fight at first made me want to throw my keyboard. It's very annoying the way Khan juggles your Wizard around the screen, pickng you up over and over. The secret is to use fire on yourself (F + middle mouse). It doesn't last long, but it will give you a few seconds where Khan won't manhandle you. If at any point he DOES pick you up, hammer space to break free. After you've set yourself on fire, douse Khan with a little water. Follow up with the Freeze/Stun spell � A-A-R-R-S, and not only will he be frozen, he'll be dead in seconds.