Magicka Game Walkthrough:
Chapter One: The Fancy Menace
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons, and Spells Checklist:
Staff of the White Wizard
Moose 1
Staff of Life
Captain's Axe
Magicka begins with a tutorial, which will teach you some basics of gameplay and introduce you to all of the varieties of Magicka available to you. Spells come in handy for doing all sorts of things, and play a hefty role in puzzle solving. I do not recommend skipping this part. During the Tutorial phase of this Chapter, you'll pick up the Haste spell, which can make your Wizard run very quickly. Finish off the Watcher to earn an achievement. He's very easy. Use a beam spell like Fire + Arcane and focus your fire until he drops.
After completing the Tutorial, you'll be back to the Castle where you'll be given a couple extra spells, dependent on if you have DLC intalled or not. Most players should get Revive and Meteor Shower. Both are good, but Revive is only useful if you're playing Co-op.
Outside the Castle
There are two hidden things in the first area after exiting the castle. To the left is a door that can be broken down with a sword swing (Shift+Left Click). Inside, you'll find a Staff of the White Wizard. It's actually pretty decent and you may want to hold on to it for a while thanks to its fear ability, very helpful if you get surrounded.

After you find and examine your first Moose (there's a cutscene), you'll see a tower with a lake. Use your frost magic (cast 5 to make it stronger) and freeze the lake. It's better to use AOE frost than the spray. Press R-R-R-R-R, Shift-Right Click. This will freeze the water around your wizard, minimizing the chance to make a mistake and drown! Make your way across � beware the ice is slippery. It'll take a few casts to make your path, but once there, you'll find a dead Wizard and the Grease spell

On the next screen is a woman with an exclamation mark over her head. Kill the Imps, then note the two secrets here. There is a Staff of Life on the plant furthest to the right, and a gate to the west that can be opened which leads to Excalibur. See the screenshot below for both locations.

Boss Fight Strategy - Ygg
Continue on the path north, and you'll come to a camp some soldiers have set up. A huge Troll named Ygg will bust through. Use fire magic on him to slow his regeneration. Try to avoid splatting the guards in the process, but there's no real penalty for doing so. After the fight, the leader will give you his Captain's Axe or you'll find it on his corpse. I recommend you keep Excalibur as it has that extra knock-down effect. With this victory, Chapter One comes to a close.