Magicka Game Walkthrough
Chapter Twelve: At The Mountains of Madness
Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six |
Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Chapter Eleven | Chapter Twelve |
Secrets, Weapons, and Spells Checklist
Moose #12 � obtained during the credits after beating Assatur
Vortex Spell � But only if you have collected All previous Magicks
The final chapter of magicka basically features three Boss battles, although the first isn't quite so hard. You'll face Vlad, Grimnir, then Assatur.

Boss Fight Strategy: Vlad
This fight isn't much different from that in Chapter 9. Zap him with F-Q-F-Q-S-S-A or use Thunder bolt (F-Q-A-S-A, Space). If you're quick on the trigger, you can kill him with two Thunderbolts before he even does anything! This is really not the fight that should bring you down.

Boss Fight Strategy: Grimnir
As with Vlad, the fight with Grimnir is much the same (see full strategy in Chapter 6). The goal here is to get Assatur to corporealize. Use F-Q-F-Q-A-S-A or Thunder Bolt as often as you can, while casting Nullify (S-E-Space) when he summons his images and casts Tornado. Keep the personal shield up for protection against Conflagration, as well. When Assatur appears, use Corporealize (S-F-Q-A-E-S Space) to make him a physical being that can actually be hit. You need to do this fast, or Assatur will heal Grimnir forcing you to do the whole battle over again! When you pull it off, it's time for the final battle.

Final Boss Fight Strategy � Assatur
The last Boss battle in Magicka can be tough, as it should be. Although I actually found Assatur was easier than the six-round Wizard fight just before the first Grimnir. The first thing you need to know is to hang out on the eastern side. That way, if he casts Vortex, you won't be sucked in. After all, you don't really need to run around in this fight. All of his spells are tracking.

Here's how to beat him very quickly: Keep your shield up at all times � Just E + Middlemouse, and heal after it is knocked out, then cast it again. Make Assatur wet with steam or water, then start spamming Thunder Bolts. It's quite easy when your spell is doing 10,000 damage per hit. It'll only take about 5 casts to finish him off!

If you've collected most every spell, you'll learn Vortex as Assatur dies. Also, stick around for just a few seconds of the credits and you'll at last find Moose #12. After you do that, press Escape and select Skip Credits, unless you like watching a credit roll that is...At any rate, congratulations on beating Magicka. You can use your character in a new game and go through it with all spells, which is good for experiencing true power and trying spells on bosses you struggled with before.