Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 Religion Guide

Reformation Beliefs in Brave New World

Civ 5 Religion Guide - Gods & Kings and Brave New World
Converting & Religious PressurePantheonsFounder BeliefsFollower BeliefsEnhancersReformation

With Brave New World, completing the Piety Social Policy Tree will let you choose a Reformation Belief for your Religion. You're able to choose from among the following list. Try to pick beliefs that help you accomplish your late-game goals - get the Tourism if you want a Cultural Win, or go for Jesuit Education to help quickly boost Science throughout your Empire and attempt to build the Space Ship. Purchasing post-Industrial units with Faith may help greatly with a Domination Victory if you have focused on Faith generation and are able to afford many purchases. Others are far less focused and may be used in a variety of ways to help your Civilization thrive.

Civ 5 Brave New World Reformation Beliefs
Belief NameGame DescriptionTips and Strategies
Charitable MissionsInfluence Boosts from Gold Gifts to City-States increased by 30%.This is a very handy belief if you will be going for a Diplomatic Victory, as you need to spend Gold to occasionally raise your influence level with a CS to keep them an Ally.
EvangelismMissionaries' Spread Religion ability erodes existing pressure from other Religions.This makes Spread Religion significantly stronger, making them more in line with a Great Prophet in terms of power - ultimately, it will let you do more Conversions with the one action while also making your Religion's future pressure more effective by wiping some of their past progress in buliding up their own.
Heathen ConversionMissionaries Convert adjacent Barbarian Units to this Civilization's ControlMerely standing next to a Barbarian will make them join your side - incredibly powerful with Raging Barbarians. You can then keep the units to defend your land or sell them for some quick Gold.
Jesuit EducationMay build Universities, Public Schools, and Research Labs with Faith.This is quite powerful when you know just how cheap these buildings are with Faith - you could easily spend 1k Gold on some, but these ALL can be bought for a mere 200 Faith with this Belief - a great way to boost Science late-game while playing with a Religious Civilization.
Religious FervorUse Faith to Purchase Industrial and later Land UnitsAll units cost about double in Faith what they do in Hammers, and this is a significant reduction compared to gold (about 5x Hammer value). You'll still spend 300 Faith for a Musketman, but this can be incredibly potent given you may be able to buy a new unit every 4-5 turns with high Faith production.
Sacred SitesAll buildings purchased with Faith provide +2 Tourism each.Pagodas, Mosques, etc. will all give +2 Tourism, significant if you seek a Cultural Victory.
To the Glory of GodUse Faith to purchase any type of Great Person starting in the Industrial EraThis merely lets you pick up Great People from Social Policy trees that you haven't unlocked - so you can buy Great Generals if you have not max'd the Honor tree, or Engineers from Tradition.
Underground SectYour Spies exert Religious Pressure to the Cities they Occupy.You will not see the Pressure, but if you use the Spy along with a Trade Route that exerts Pressure, and the City doesn't have followers of another Religion, it will help. The problem is how slowly Citizens are converted when they follow another Religion. The amount of Pressure seems to be that of what a single City would Produce, so is not much. Several Spies in the same area can help, so long as there are other outside sources of Pressure.
Unity of the ProphetsInquisitors and Prophets reduce this religious presence by half instead of eliminating it.This gives your Religion some passive defense - so where it's spread in other Civs, they will have a harder time eliminating it. Great Prophets will also have a harder time coming along and fully converting your Cities, giving them a faster natural recovery.

Previous: Enhancer Beliefs

Civ 5 Religion Guide - Gods & Kings and Brave New World
Converting & Religious PressurePantheonsFounder BeliefsFollower BeliefsEnhancersReformation

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Mario says...
I just want to say thank you for this awesome Website, i play civ5 a lot, but i found tons of little gems here that will improve my game! :) happy New year!
1st January 2016 4:08am
Sacred Sites and Jesuit Edu says...
Carl, I am REALLY enjoying this web site. A great read and a big help. Any idea if Sacred Sites and Jesuit Education stack? Would seem a bit too aover powered if that was the case but, ever tried it?
I can't try it, as you can only select one of these beliefs for your Reformation. However, if you could, I do not believe it would work as the game would use Pagodas, Mosques, Cathedrals, and Monasteries :)
14th August 2014 6:50pm
ShinigamiKenji says...
To the Glory of God: "This merely lets you pick up Great People (...)"

I once did a Liberty/Piety/Patronage wide empire with Pagodas and Mosques for happiness and faith, and this Reformation Belief absolutely trumped.

The ability to faith-buy a Great Person on the spot at a critical time is invaluable.

- A Great Engineer rushing a Wonder;
- A Great Scientist boosting your science or unlocking a key tech
- A free Golden Age from a Great Artist
- A Great Writer to help get that level 3 tenet
- Great Generals/Admirals in the hour of need
- Great Musicians to finally push that Cultural Victory

It demands quite a lot of faith, but can work spectacularly if done properly.
27th August 2016 3:20am
Roger says...
Heathen Conversion has the potential to be somewhat overpowered in the late game. If you can reduce happiness to the point where rebels spawn (for example through capturing large cities in a major war to win a domination victory), a single missionary kept hanging around your capital can quickly create a very large army out of thin air, with usually three or four modern infantry or cavalry units appearing every few turns. Obviously, your army - and much else besides - will otherwise be compromised by your low happiness, but if you can restore happiness after 20 turns of this it will be as though you had half a dozen militaristic CS allies, but far cheaper...
25th January 2016 11:05am
Bill W says...
Confirmed Underground Sect not working as of 7/1/14.
3rd July 2014 9:49am
Carl says...
I edited this, because I did find it worked however slowly. It just doesn't show the pressure exerted, which is why it doesn't seem to work. I think it's the amount of one extra City, so therefore with a lot of followers of another Religion in that City, you need to be able to tip the scales in your favor to see it working. Trade Routes and other Cities in range should be able to convert the City along with this. Look at how much Pressure the City is getting from others and expect that Underground Sect will add one more City's worth.

It should be significantly better if you pass World Religion and have taken Religious Texts as the Enhancer. However, it's still a rather poor choice given the power of 'To the Glory of God' and 'Sacred Sites', along with 'Religious Fervor'.

Honestly, I think it's the worst pick of all.. you are going to end up stealing techs and may not want to do so, given the diplomatic repercussions.
4th July 2014 9:58pm
David says...
While you might not want the diplomatic problems of stealing techs, I could see this being much more valuable in a diplomatic victory path. With spies in city states to maintain influence levels, combined with long distance trade ships, you could maintain significant religious pressure on city states much farther from your controlled area, especially if a good religious civ like the Celts is smack dab in the middle and you've been fighting to control areas near them.
8th July 2016 11:39pm
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