Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 Specialists and Great People

Great Admiral - Abilities & GPP Guide for Brave New World

Civilization 5 Specialist and Great Person Strategy Guides
MerchantGreat ArtistGreat MusicianGreat WriterGreat Scientist
Great EngineerGreat MerchantGreat ProphetGreat GeneralGreat Admiral

A Great Adrmial in Civ 5Great Admirals are earned as your Naval units gain experience in combat against other Civilizations. When you've earned 200XP, you'll get your first Great Admiral. Barbarian kills do not count toward Great Admiral experience, so only true naval warfare will cause them to appear. They gain two abilities, just like the Great General, only one is very situational. Completing the Exploration Social Policy Tree will allow you to purchase Great Admirals in the Industrial era with Faith - starting at 1k faith and rising as you buy more.

The Primary role of the Great Admiral is to support your fleet. All units within 2 tiles of the Great Admiral will get a +15% combat bonus. Position them in the center of a large engagement, stacked with a strong unit, and all your ships can benefit from this.

Great Admirals can be instantly expended to fully heal the Ship in the hex with them and those all around within one tile. Position it well, and this unit can totally turn the tide of combat in your favor. This feature isn't going to be used often, but when it is, it will make a massive difference.

The Change Port ability lets you move your Great Admiral to safety, or where it is needed, quickly and without the need to provide an escort.

Great Admirals are commonly used to scout early in the game - any means of choosing a free Great Person, from fully investing in the Liberty Social Policy Tree or the Mayan Long Count Bonus, can let you get one early to discover other continents and even goodie huts that you can pick up later. This may lead you to discover uninhabited islands that make great places to expand your empire and find other Civilizations and City-States to interact with.

Social Policies and Ideologies Related to Great Admirals

If you'd like to learn more about creating Great People, don't miss the first page of this guide dedicated to Listing Great People and Maximizing GPP through Buildings and Wonders. Share your tips about using and generating this Great Person through the comments form at the bottom of the page where your strategies can help players new to Civilization 5 and the Gods & Kings and Brave New World DLCs.

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hdd says...
XP gained fighting barbarians does NOT count for Great Admiral progress.

Please correct your page.
Corrected, thanks for noting the mistake.
2nd February 2014 4:44pm
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