Carl's Terraria Guide
for PC, Xbox, Playstation, and Mobile

Terraria: Debuffs

Immunity and Vulnerabilities of Bosses

Some debuffs can be very helpful when fighting bosses as they may deal damage over time or weaken them. Finding which debuffs will or won't work on them can be time consuming, just by browsing the wiki, as info is all spread out. I'm going to help with that with this list - each boss is listed, along with which debuffs they are immune to, and those they are vulnerable to. There are many more debuffs in Terraria, but some are inflicted only by monsters. The ones I've chosen to list are those that you can get from a potion, arrow, weapon, flask, or spell.

Here are the six debuffs I'm listing for the bosses, and the most common examples of where they come from. Some of these are only useful Pre-Hardmode because of the amount of life bosses have later in a game.

Bosses that are explicitly immune to all debuffs below should not be affected by Shadowflame, Daybroken, nor the Stardust Cell Staff's Debuff.

Note that for bosses that spawn minions, many of them are vulnerable to these debuffs and they can help you to clear them faster.

Use Control+F to find the boss you seek. I've listed Hardmode Event Bosses toward the bottom.

Pre-Hardmode Bosses
BossImmune to:Vulnerable to:
King SlimeVenomPoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Eye of CthulhuNonePoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Eater of WorldsPoisoned, On Fire!, Venom, Cursed InfernoFrostburn, Ichor
Brain of CthulhuNonePoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Queen BeeNonePoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
SkeletronPoisoned, On Fire!, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Frostburn, Ichor
Wall of FleshPoisoned, On Fire!, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Frostburn, Ichor
Hard Mode Bosses
BossImmune to:Vulnerable to:
The DestroyerBoss and Minions Immune to All DebuffsNone
The TwinsNonePoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Venom, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Skeletron PrimePoisoned, On Fire!, Venom, Cursed Inferno (Head only. Other parts vulnerable)Frostburn, Ichor
PlanteraPoisoned, VenomOn Fire!, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
GolemPoisoned, On Fire!, VenomFrostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Duke FishronPoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, VenomCursed Inferno, Ichor
Lunatic CultistImmune to All DebuffsNone
Moon LordIchorPoisoned, On Fire!, Frostburn, Venom, Cursed Inferno
Hard Mode Event Bosses
BossImmune to:Vulnerable to:
Flying Dutchman (Pirate Invasion)Immune to All DebuffsNone
Mourning Wood (Pumpkin Moon)Immune to All DebuffsNone
Pumpking (Pumpkin Moon)Immune to All DebuffsNone
Everscream (Frost Moon)Poisoned, VenomOn Fire!, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Santa-NK1 (Frost Moon)Poisoned, VenomOn Fire!, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Ice Queen (Frost Moon)Poisoned, VenomOn Fire!, Frostburn, Cursed Inferno, Ichor
Martian Saucer (Martian Madness)Immune to All DebuffsNone

Special thanks to those who work on the excellent wiki at gamepedia, without whom I could not have made this list. Testing every debuff on every boss would be incredibly tedious!

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My Guide was started on Sept 23, 2015 and now includes dozens of pages about the game. I hope I can help newcomers to get a bit more enjoyment ouf of Terraria by demystifying some of how it works. You can provide feedback to me at I am tied up with multiple projects - this, The Sims 4, and Fallout 4 but do plan to return to Terraria and finish the boss guides and some other pages.

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