Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Hubble Space Telescope

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Hubble Space Telescope Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of the Hubble Space Telescope, seen when Building the Wonder

Hubble Space TelescopeWorld Wonder: Hubble Space Telescope

Tech Required: Satellites

Production Cost: 1250

What it Does: Provides 2 Free Great Scientists and a Spaceship Factory in the City in which it's constructed, plus an additional +25% construction when building Spaceship Parts.

If you're going for a Science Victory, aim to be first to the Satellites Technology. Build Hubble while you wait on the World Congress and pass the International Space Station Project resolution, which lets you build the second Wonder and get more research out of Discover Technology actions with Great Scientists.

If you succeed in getting both Wonders, you will be well on your way to finishing up a Scientific Victory and completing your game. The 3 total Great Scientists you'll get should help you to discover 2-3 Technologies quickly, helping you get an edge on your opponents in a time when research typically slows down.

This should go in your highest production City, which will then send Spaceship Parts along to the Capital. It helps a lot given you need 3 boosters among other parts to form the Spaceship and blast off to Alpha Centauri.

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