Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Petra

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Petra Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Petra, seen when Building the Wonder

PetraWorld Wonder: Petra

Tech Required: Currency

Production Cost: 250

What it Does: Can only be built in a City that is on or next to any type of Desert tile. Makes Desert tiles (all but Flood Plains) give +1 Food, +1 Production. A free Caravan appears as well, along with a free Trade Route slot. Initially provides +1 Culture, +1 Great Engineer point but jumps to +6 Culture when Archaeology is discovered.

Petra is an amazing Wonder and worth pushing to build, so long as you can truly take advantage of the +1 Food/Production. When I say all but Flood Plains, I mean Desert Hills and even Oasis get the bonus. You can put a mine on a Desert hill and get +1 Food, +4 Production in the early-game. This is a very powerful bonus and can help you whether you're a warmonger or the most peaceful Civ around. Regular desert tiles essentially become Plains, giving +1 Food/Production without an improvement - and you CAN build Farms on Desert.

I love Petra and build it any time I have a hilly area with lots of Desert. Unfortunately, the AI sees the power of this Wonder and it is not easy to get on higher difficulties without going out of your way to rush Currency. If you do succeed in building Petra, you can always sell the Caravan and change the free Trade Route to a Cargo Ship, if you like.

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Redmond Jennings says...
This might go without saying but Petra and Desert Folklore (pantheon) are a dream team.
23rd August 2014 12:29am
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