Carl's Civ 5 Guide
for Civ 5 Complete, Gods & Kings, and Brave New World DLC

Civilization 5 World Wonders: Brandenburg Gate

Building Strategies and Wonder Information

A Painting of the Brandenburg Gate Wonder in Civilization 5 Brave New World and Gods and Kings
A Painting of Brandenburg Gate, seen when Building the Wonder

Brandenburg GateWorld Wonder: Brandenburg Gate

Tech Required: Military Science

Production Cost: 750

What it Does: Free Great General Appears and all Units constructed in the City will get +15 Experience.

I like to try to get this in a Coastal City if I can, so that it will also affect Naval Units, but regardless, as a Warmonger, I always prioritize this building and go with Honor to help units gain further promotions from Combat. That extra promotion is invaluable to you, enabling you to get protection from ranged attacks along with some attack bonuses, or siege to help against Cities. The same Tech that unlocks this also gives Military Academies. which combined with Barracks and Armory will give you a total of +60 Experience for a newly created unit, which is huge.

This is even better when built in the City that has Heroic Epic (for the Morale Promotion) or Alhambra, so that units start with +60XP and Drill I which gives you a lot of options for upgrading the unit.

Make the Brandenburg Gate's City your primary place for purchasing Military units and ensure it has plenty of production - you can even push production from other Cities to help it churn out a military rapidly.

The Cavalry you get from this tech are incredible when upgraded if you have a technological edge, though they will not be conquering cities easily... their main aid is in weakening the opponent's military with attack strength and great mobility.

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jacky says...
Another good things is that players can get frigate with range 3 immediately with Autocracy.
6th September 2014 1:13pm
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