Update 8/25/2016: Added pages on Finding Trade Posts, Sentinels and Wanted Level, in addition to Shielding, Power, and Unstable Plasma Items. Also see my guide to Making Money in No Man's Sky for some tips on the best methods for earning cash, what crafting items are most profitable, and a list of all resources in the game.
No Man's Sky: Antimatter
Crafting Requirements, Schematics, and Making Warp Cells

Antimatter is required to fuel your hyperdrive in No Man's Sky, so that you can travel at warp speed and visit other star systems. No Man's Sky is different for every player, but the beginning does have some common themes. Therefore, let's look at the average way a person can learn to make Antimatter and the things they need to craft this material.
How to Get Antimatter
You should find the recipe for Antimatter very early in your game, within the first several hours. If you chose to take the Atlas' guidance at the beginning, you should get quests that gradually lead you there, but Antimatter is not all that you need. Around the 2nd system you visit, you should locate a manufacturing facility of some sort that allows you to learn the recipe. Use your scanners as you fly about the star system to locate a facility or anything like it.
Finding the Recipe
You'll need a bolt blaster upgrade for your multi-tool to get inside. Upgrade it by selecting an empty slot and choosing build upgrade. This can break down barricaded doors and is used by switching weapon firing modes (see the controls). The bolt blaster has to be reloaded, and your low damage may result in firing several clips at the door. Know that sentinels may attack you, so land, then exit and re-enter your spacecraft to force an auto-save just in case you die. I fought nine of them while working on that door!
Materials List for Warp Cell & Antimatter

Once you've found the schematics for Antimatter, you are in the clear to craft it, with one caveat. You don't know how to make all the components that go into antimatter. For now, you will have to resort to buying these things from the marketplace at star bases and outposts.
It takes the following to get from raw materials to one unit of Antimatter and the final product, a Warp Cell for your Hyperdrive. Since space is limited you want to focus on things in the order they're listed.
- Suspension Fluid (buy from market, see below)
- Plutonium (100) found in crystal formations on planets
- Electron Vapor (made from the two above. Details below)
- Heridium found in tall rocks on planets, blue symbol when scanned.
- Zinc (20) found on plants.
- Antimatter (Made from H + Z and Vapor. see below)
- Thamium9 (100) harvest from asteroids in space.
- Warp cell - combine the finished Antimatter with Thamium9
Making Electron Vapor

You need electron vapor to make Antimatter. You should already have the recipe for this, just select craft in an empty slot in the ship inventory.
- Suspension Fluid - You need to buy these at first, in order to make the vital Electron Vapor. Thankfully they're not too expensive and you can eventually learn to make this component yourself one day, and it's much cheaper than buying them. They can be bought inside space stations at the galactic market computer.
- Plutonium (100) - Easily found on most planets. Use the scanner and search for red lighting bolt symbols. Plutonium is often a crystal form.
When you have the Electron Vapor and a Suspension Fluid, it's easy to make Antimatter.>
Making Warp Cell
If you've come to the point you need Antimatter, you've probably already found the recipe for this, a while before you were given your first antimatter in order to make it and leave the home system.
- Antimatter - With the Electron Vapor, that's easy to make.
- Thamium9 (100) - this is easily found in large quantity by blowing up asteroids surrounding planets.
Charge Your Hyperdrive with the Warp Cell
Click the hyperdrive and the Warp Cell will appear as a fuel. You'll get about 20% fuel from this effort, enough for one jump. Later, it's much easier to make multiples of these and keep your hyperdrive gauge full.
AtlasPass V1 and Atlas Interfaces
If you've chosen to follow the Atlas Guidance, you may want to learn more about the Atlas Path and getting an AtlasPass V1.
Other No Man's Sky Guides
- Guide to Ships in No Man's Sky
- Making Money & Crafting for Profit in No Man's Sky
- Walkthrough Part 1: Leaving first Planet
- Walkthrough Part 2: Warp Drive
- AtlasPass V1 & Anomalies
- Finding AtlasPass V2 and V3
- Discovering Plants an Animals (Scanning)
- Antimatter
- Adding Inventory Slots
- How to Buy Better Ships
- Signal Scanners, Monoliths, Outposts, and Crashed Ships
- Best Elements to Recharge Gear
- Multi-tool and its Functions
- Mining in No Man's Sky
- Sentinels and Wanted Level
- Where to Find Better Warp Reactors