Skyrim Alchemy Guide
Skill Tips, Ingredients List, and Making Potions
Skyrim's Alchemy skill allows your Dragonborn to create potions and poisons that have a variety of effects. This guide to Alchemy will teach you how to make potions, the benefits of the various Alchemy Perks, skill mechanics, trainer locations, and tips to make the most of your Alchemist's skills.

Making Potions and Poisons in Skyrim
Potions are produced by mixing two or three ingredients at an Alchemy Lab. If the ingredients share one or more magical properties, a potion or poison is created. With nothing in common, the mixture will fail. A successful product will have one or more effects, depending on how many of the ingredients' various magical properties match up. Potions (red in color) are drank, effects felt instantly by the player. Poisons (green) are applied to weapons and their effects used up through charges. Striking an enemy removes a charge.
The strength of your potions and poisons are determined by your current alchemy level (with Fortify helping appropriately) and the perks you've learned from the Alchemy perk tree. To learn
How to Learn Ingredient Effects
First, though they exist in the game, you do not need recipes to create potions. All herbs and food ingredients have set effects. If they match, you will unlock knowledge of that property. Eating a raw ingredient by using it in the menu will reveal the first property of an item. Later, with the Experimenter Perk, you can reveal the second, third, and fourth effects of items. You'll always unlock the top left property first, top right second and so on. So, you have two choices for unlocking the properties of ingredients - either eat it, or use foreknowledge of properties or trial and error to combine potions to find matching effects.
Powerleveling Alchemy
The experience you gain from a potion is based on the final value. Since Fortify Alchemy and Alchemy Perks both help the power of effects, they also produce more expensive potions - thus more skill XP. Some effects are more valuable than others. For example, Paralyze is an expensive effect while Restore Stamina is not. A potion's value goes up based on the sum of all its effects, positive and negative, no matter how much sense they make (a Fortify Restoration + Damage Magicka potion, for example).

In general, Alchemy is one of the easiest skills in Skyrim to level, especially with perks and gear enchanted with Fortify Alchemy. You can buy out all the ingredients from an Alchemy ingredient vendor, craft all your potions, then sell those back for a profit. In fact, you can even afford to do training and still turn a profit in some cases as vendors won't often have enough money to buy all the potions you create.
Alchemy Trainers
There are two good trainers for Alchemy in Skyrim. The easiest to access is Arcadia, an Expert Alchemist in Whiterun. Members of the Dark Brotherhood can train with Babette, a Master level trainer. She also sells the Daedra Heart alchemy ingredient from time to time.
Alchemy Skill Perks

It takes fifteen perk points to master Alchemy, though it is unlikely you will want everything.
Alchemist (5 Ranks +20% Each)
(level 0/20/40/60/80 Alchemy Skill required)
Increases the strength or duration of potions by 20% per rank. Take all five points if your Dovahkiin is going to use Alchemy for survival, profit, or both.
(level 20 Alchemy Skill required)
Boosts Health, Magicka, and Stamina potions by 25% in power. This perk will pay off with higher potion values, whether you use the potions to heal or not.
(level 30 Alchemy Skill required)
Gives poisons +25% more power. Again, this could pay off with higher potion yields at the shop whether you're using poisons on weapons or not.
Concentrated Poison
(level 60 Alchemy Skill required)
Poisons applied to weapons last for twice as many hits. This Perk's usefulness really depends on your build. I'm not aware that this boosts the value of potions.
Green Thumb
(level 70 Alchemy Skill required)
Two ingredients are gathered from plants. Absolutely take this perk if you've got the prerequisites! Some rather rare herbs can be found in pairs, which is a great boost to you in terms of supplies and finances.
(level 30 Alchemy Skill required)
Potions you mix with beneficial effects have 25% greater magnitude. So, Fortify Enchanting potions will have a bigger kick, helping you to Enchant and produce better potions. Better take this perk if you're going that route.
Experimenter (3 Ranks, reveals 2/3/4 effects on eating an ingredient)
(level 50/70/90 Alchemy Skill required)
This perk isn't necessary if you use an Alchemy ingredients list, which I have in a table below.
(level 80 Alchemy Skill required)
Gives you 50% resistance to all poisons - a slightly helpful defensive Perk.
(level 100 Alchemy Skill required)
This is a perk that will impact your potions' final values, but ultimately helps from a gameplay perspective. All positives will be removed from poisons you create, but more importantly, all negatives are removed from potions, allowing for some better custom combinations.
Alchemy Ingredients

The following table will aid your potion-making efforts in Skyrim. Many effects are not challenging to find, as they are found on various ingredients. There is one ingredient in particular that is tough to find: the Daedra Heart. These are used to craft Daedric armor and weapons with the Smithing skill. A guaranteed way to be able to farm Daedra Hearts is to get to level 20 and do the Pieces of the Past quest. Toward the end are a few Dremora who, after the quest's completion, will respawn once every few days. The trouble is, there aren't many of this enemy type in Skyrim other than those. What few hearts are out there are scattered around the world. As the expensive option, Daedra Hearts can be bought from Enthir as well as Babette of the Dark Brotherhood. Otherwise, most alchemist merchants have a chance to sell them once in a while, though they are expensive.
Ingredient Name | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Effect 3 | Effect 4 |
Abacean Longfin | Weakness to Frost | Fortify Sneak | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Restoration |
Bear Claws | Restore Stamina | Fortify Health | Fortify One-Handed | Damage Magicka Regen |
Bee | Restore Stamina | Ravage Stamina | Regenerate Stamina | Weakness to Shock |
Beehive Husk | Resist Poison | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify Sneak | Fortify Destruction |
Bleeding Crown | Weakness to Fire | Fortify Block | Weakness to Poison | Resist Magic |
Blisterwort | Damage Stamina | Frenzy | Restore Health | Fortify Smithing |
Blue Butterfly Wing | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Blue Dartwing | Resist Shock | Fortify Pickpocket | Restore Health | Fear |
Blue Mountain Flower | Restore Health | Fortify Conjuration | Fortify Health | Damage Magicka Regen |
Bone Meal | Damage Stamina | Resist Fire | Fortify Conjuration | Ravage Stamina |
Briar Heart | Restore Magicka | Fortify Block | Paralysis | Fortify Magicka |
Butterfly Wing | Restore Health | Fortify Barter | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka |
Canis Root | Damage Stamina | Fortify One-Handed | Fortify Marksman | Paralysis |
Charred Skeever Hide | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Restore Health |
Chaurus Eggs | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Stamina | Damage Magicka | Invisibility |
Chicken's Egg | Resist Magic | Damage Magicka Regen | Waterbreathing | Lingering Damage Stamina |
Creep Cluster | Restore Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen | Fortify Carry Weight | Weakness to Magic |
Crimson Nirnroot | Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Cyrodilic Spadetail | Damage Stamina | Fortify Restoration | Fear | Ravage Health |
Daedra Heart | Restore Health | Damage Stamina Regen | Damage Magicka | Fear |
Deathbell | Damage Health | Ravage Stamina | Slow | Weakness to Poison |
Dragon's Tongue | Resist Fire | Fortify Barter | Fortify Illusion | Fortify Two-Handed |
Dwarven Oil | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka |
Ectoplasm | Restore Magicka | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Magicka | Damage Health |
Elves Ear | Restore Magicka | Fortify Marksman | Weakness to Frost | Resist Fire |
Eye of Sabre Cat | Restore Stamina | Ravage Health | Damage Magicka | Restore Health |
Falmer Ear | Damage Health | Frenzy | Resist Poison | Fortify Lockpicking |
Fire Salts | Weakness to Frost | Resist Fire | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
Fly Amanita | Resist Fire | Fortify Two-Handed | Frenzy | Regenerate Stamina |
Frost Mirriam | Resist Frost | Fortify Sneak | Ravage Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen |
Frost Salts | Weakness to Fire | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Fortify Conjuration |
Garlic | Resist Poison | Fortify Stamina | Regenerate Magicka | Regenerate Health |
Giant Lichen | Weakness to Shock | Ravage Health | Weakness to Poison | Restore Magicka |
Giant's Toe | Damage Stamina | Fortify Health | Fortify Carry Weight | Damage Stamina Regen |
Glow Dust | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Destruction | Resist Shock |
Glowing Mushroom | Resist Shock | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Smithing | Fortify Health |
Grass Pod | Resist Poison | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Alteration | Restore Magicka |
Hagraven Claw | Resist Magic | Lingering Damage Magicka | Fortify Enchanting | Fortify Barter |
Hagraven Feathers | Damage Magicka | Fortify Conjuration | Frenzy | Weakness to Shock |
Hanging Moss | Damage Magicka | Fortify Health | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify One-Handed |
Hawk Beak | Restore Stamina | Resist Frost | Fortify Carry Weight | Resist Shock |
Hawk Feathers | Cure Disease | Fortify Light Armor | Fortify One-Handed | Fortify Sneak |
Histcarp | Restore Stamina | Fortify Magicka | Damage Stamina Regen | Waterbreathing |
Honeycomb | Restore Stamina | Fortify Block | Fortify Light Armor | Ravage Stamina |
Human Flesh | Damage Health | Paralysis | Restore Magicka | Fortify Sneak |
Human Heart | Damage Health | Damage Magicka | Damage Magicka Regen | Frenzy |
Ice Wraith Teeth | Weakness to Frost | Fortify Heavy Armor | Invisibility | Weakness to Fire |
Imp Stool | Damage Health | Lingering Damage Health | Paralysis | Restore Health |
Jazbay Grapes | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Magicka | Regenerate Magicka | Ravage Health |
Juniper Berries | Weakness to Fire | Fortify Marksman | Regenerate Health | Damage Stamina Regen |
Large Antlers | Restore Stamina | Fortify Stamina | Slow | Damage Stamina Regen |
Lavender | Resist Magic | Fortify Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Conjuration |
Luna Moth Wing | Damage Magicka | Fortify Light Armor | Regenerate Health | Invisibility |
Moon Sugar | Weakness to Fire | Resist Frost | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
Mora Tapinella | Restore Magicka | Lingering Damage Health | Regenerate Stamina | Fortify Illusion |
Mudcrab Chitin | Restore Stamina | Cure Disease | Resist Poison | Resist Fire |
Namira's Rot | Damage Magicka | Fortify Lockpicking | Fear | Regenerate Health |
Nightshade | Damage Health | Damage Magicka Regen | Lingering Damage Stamina | Fortify Destruction |
Nirnroot | Damage Health | Damage Stamina | Invisibility | Resist Magic |
Nordic Barnacle | Damage Magicka | Waterbreathing | Regenerate Health | Fortify Pickpocket |
Orange Dartwing | Restore Stamina | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Pickpocket | Lingering Damage Health |
Pearl | Restore Stamina | Fortify Block | Restore Magicka | Resist Shock |
Pine Thrush Egg | Restore Stamina | Fortify Lockpicking | Weakness to Poison | Resist Shock |
Powdered Mammoth Tusk | Restore Stamina | Fortify Sneak | Weakness to Fire | Fear |
Purple Mountain Flower | Restore Stamina | Fortify Sneak | Lingering Damage Magicka | Resist Frost |
Red Mountain Flower | Restore Magicka | Ravage Magicka | Fortify Magicka | Damage Health |
River Betty | Damage Health | Fortify Alteration | Slow | Fortify Carry Weight |
Rock Warbler Egg | Restore Health | Fortify One-Handed | Damage Stamina | Weakness to Magic |
Sabre Cat Tooth | Restore Stamina | Fortify Heavy Armor | Fortify Smithing | Weakness to Poison |
Salt Pile | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Restoration | Slow | Regenerate Magicka |
Scaly Pholiota | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Stamina | Fortify Carry Weight |
Silverside Perch | Restore Stamina | Damage Stamina Regen | Ravage Health | Resist Frost |
Skeever Tail | Damage Stamina Regen | Ravage Health | Damage Health | Fortify Light Armor |
Slaughterfish Egg | Resist Poison | Fortify Pickpocket | Lingering Damage Health | Fortify Stamina |
Slaughterfish Scales | Resist Frost | Lingering Damage Health | Fortify Heavy Armor | Fortify Block |
Small Antlers | Weakness to Poison | Fortify Restoration | Lingering Damage Stamina | Damage Health |
Small Pearl | Restore Stamina | Fortify One-Handed | Fortify Restoration | Resist Frost |
Snowberries | Resist Fire | Fortify Enchanting | Resist Frost | Resist Shock |
Spider Egg | Damage Stamina | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Lockpicking | Fortify Marksman |
Spriggan Sap | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting | Fortify Smithing | Fortify Alteration |
Swamp Fungal Pod | Resist Shock | Lingering Damage Magicka | Paralysis | Restore Health |
Taproot | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Illusion | Regenerate Magicka | Restore Magicka |
Thistle Branch | Resist Frost | Ravage Stamina | Resist Poison | Fortify Heavy Armor |
Torchbug Thorax | Restore Stamina | Lingering Damage Magicka | Weakness to Magic | Fortify Stamina |
Troll Fat | Resist Poison | Fortify Two-Handed | Frenzy | Damage Health |
Tundra Cotton | Resist Magic | Fortify Magicka | Fortify Block | Fortify Barter |
Vampire Dust | Invisibility | Restore Magicka | Regenerate Health | Cure Disease |
Void Salts | Weakness to Shock | Resist Magic | Damage Health | Fortify Magicka |
Wheat | Restore Health | Fortify Health | Damage Stamina Regen | Lingering Damage Magicka |
White Cap | Weakness to Frost | Fortify Heavy Armor | Restore Magicka | Ravage Magicka |
Wisp Wrappings | Restore Stamina | Fortify Destruction | Fortify Carry Weight | Resist Magic |
Ingredient Name | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Effect 3 | Effect 4 |
Ancestor Moth Wing | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Chaurus Hunter Antennae | Damage Stamina | Fortify Conjuration | Damage Magicka Regen | Fortify Enchanting |
Gleamblossom | Resist Magic | Fear | Regenerate Health | Paralysis |
Poison Bloom | Damage Health | Slow | Fortify Carry Weight | Fear |
Yellow Mountain Flower | Resist Poison | Fortify Restoration | Fortify Health | Damage Stamina Regen |
Ingredient Name | Effect 1 | Effect 2 | Effect 3 | Effect 4 |
Hawk's Egg | Resist Magic | Damage Magicka Regen | Waterbreathing | Lingering Damage Stamina |
Salmon Roe | Restore Stamina | Waterbreathing | Fortify Magicka | Regenerate Magicka |
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