Skyrim Block Skill
How Block Works, Shield Bashing, and Perk Information

What Block Does
Skyrim's Block skill governs the damage you deal when shield bashing and reduces damage from melee and ranged attacks when wearing a one handed weapon with a shield, a two-handed weapon, or a one-handed weapon with nothing (not even a spell) in the other hand. Each level you gain in Block reduces damage further, while perks can make you nearly invincible and incredibly powerful while wielding a shield. With Block skill Perks, you can also reduce elemental damage (dragon breath and spells) and turn your shield into an offensive weapon with the Deadly Bash perk.

Shields Reduce Damage Without Block
Whether you're blocking or not, a shield will reduce damage based solely upon its armor rating, along with your skill in the shield's armor class (light/heavy) as with other armor. The damage reduction is increased when actually blocking, which is the focus of the block skill. You won't gain experience without holding up your shield or weapon to block an attack.
Using Block
Simply equip a shield in one hand or wield a single weapon while using nothing in the other hand. Use the block button when you see an attack incoming. Blocking absorbs a percentage of damage that is increased by your skill level and Perks. If you successfully block an attack, a small amount of stamina is used, so you could eventually be staggered by running out when facing multiple enemies.
Damage Reduction via Block
The amount of damage blocked is based upon the armor rating of the shield (or the damage of a weapon used to block), your block skill, ranks in the shield wall perk and any enchantments on the shield.
Tapping the attack button while blocking will perform a bash, which can stagger and interrupt a foe's attack, while doing a small amount of damage. When you get the Power Bash perk, you can hold this button to perform a powerful, staggering bash. With Deadly Bash, damage is increased 5x. The damage a shield or weapon will do when blocking is based on its armor or attack rating. Foods that recover stamina can allow you to block, bash, and power bash without ever running out, as they regenerate one per second.
The damage dealt by the shield bash ability is based upon the armor rating of the shield (or damage of the weapon), block skill, and your investment in the power bash or deadly bash perks.
Leveling Block
Every point of damage you block contributes to skill XP; the more blocked, the more you get. The mechanic is similar for the damage done by bashing. To level block quickly, find fast-attacking but hard-hitting enemies, or go for something big like a Giant or Mammoth. It can help to have something that restores stamina when you're power-leveling block. You'll also gain skill in the armor type of your shield, heavy or light, though at a much slower rate due to the shield absorbing more than your armor does.
Block Trainers
Chief Larak is the Master Block Trainer, found in Mor Khazgur, far north of Markarth, along the mountainside to the west of the river. Companions can use Njada Stonearm, an Expert Trainer in Jorrvaskr.
Skyrim Block Skill Perks

Shield Wall (5 Ranks, 20/25/30/35/40% more effective blocking)
(level 0/20/40/60/80 Block Skill required)
Increases the amount of damage absorbed by your shield when you block. Shield wall also works for weapons. This is reportedly bugged, and actually gives 10-50% absorption bonus.
Quick Reflexes
(level 30 Block Skill required)
Slows time down whenever you're holding block and a nearby enemy performs a power attack. Most enemies do this most of the time, and Dragons are no exception to this rule. In many cases, this gives you time to bash an opponent before they can hit you, interrupting their attack and letting you get the upper hand. Quick Reflexes can be a GREAT Perk for any shield-using character.
Deflect Arrows
(level 30 Block Skill required)
Any arrows that happen to hit your shield will do no damage. Shields can be pretty big, so this does prevent a lot of damage. While blocking other attacks, it will mitigate damage from archers. If you're going with a shield at all, it's obvious you'll want this Perk.
Elemental Protection
(level 50 Block Skill required)
Reduces Frost, Fire, and Shock damage by 50% while blocking. This doesn't mean the damage has to hit your shield directly, thus is very helpful when you're under attack by multiple casters or dragons. Combine this with magical resistances and you will take very little damage from magic while blocking. Very handy for melee characters fighting dragons.
Block Runner
(level 70 Block Skill required)
Lets you move faster while blocking with a shield or weapon, improving your ability to close gaps safely. It's a very helpful perk, as with maneuverability you can miss some damage entirely. Works even better in combination with the Quick Reflexes Perk.
Power Bash
(level 30 Block Skill required)
Allows you to power bash by holding the attack button while you block. This staggers foes, and gives you an advantage. Stagger them and hack away!
Deadly Bash
(level 50 Block Skill required)
Multiplies shield damage by 5x, making shield bashing incredibly dangerous to your foes. With this, you can make your blocking offensive and kill foes quickly. Don't take the perk if you intend to powerlevel Blocking with shield bashes, it only uses the base damage while dealing the additional damage and killing your 'training dummy' faster.
Disarming Bash
(level 70 Block Skill required)
Power Bashing a target gives a chance to disarm them, in addition to the stagger effect. The usefulness of this Perk is determined by how often you're actually using your Power Bash ability.
Shield Charge
(level 100 Block Skill required)
You can hold the sprint key and charge forward by blocking with this Perk. Most enemies in Skyrim will get knocked back whenever you do so, making this a fun and tactically potent Perk for those Dovahkiin specializing in the use of a shield.
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