Carl's No Man's Sky Guide

Walkthroughs, Gameplay Tips and Strategy

Update 8/25/2016: Added pages on Finding Trade Posts, Sentinels and Wanted Level, in addition to Shielding, Power, and Unstable Plasma Items. Also see my guide to Making Money in No Man's Sky for some tips on the best methods for earning cash, what crafting items are most profitable, and a list of all resources in the game.

No Man's Sky: Graphics

Fixing Flickering and Other Graphics Setting Problems

Getting No Man's Sky's graphics settings working and fixing stuttering and flickering No Man's Sky may require some effort for it to run properly on PC.

Starting my first game of No Man's Sky was a chore, so I decided to share the things that I tried before finally getting it to work in both fullscreen (at least a resemblance to it) and without flickering. I could not have both. I wanted away from the windowed mode the game defaulted to. When I changed that, I experienced flickering like I'd never seen in such an expensive game.

Once that was fixed, I had to get over the hurdles of stuttering while playing the game. For some players the stuttering may work itself out after playing for a time as it evidently has something to do with shader caches (and will be fixed in a patch).

Stuck on Start Screen: Press and Hold E - a lot of people get stuck sitting on the loading screen, being expected to press and hold 'E' at time of release and do not realize it.

Change graphics options in No Man's Sky

Can't Change Graphics Settings
First, know that changing graphics settings requires you to hold the mouse button down while hovering over the option you want to change. The game will require a restart. This is where you may run into trouble if you're unlucky.

Graphics settings are found in this file and folder for No Man's Sky Graphics Settings are found in the No Man's Sky/Binaries/Settings folder. Look for the TKGRAPHICSSETTINGS.MXML file

If you Can't Get In Game to Change Graphics Settings
You should find your game in the /steamapps/common/No Man's Sky/Binaries/SETTINGS/ folder where you installed the game. In there, is one with 'Graphics' in the name. Edit this with a text editor.

No Man's Sky is flickering The flickering issue I had when switching to fullscreen or borderless windowed mode made the game impossible to play. Some players report fixing it by removing the steam overlay.

Fullscreen and borderless window both caused flickering for me, so I ultimately had to find a workaround. I tried several things before finally fixing my flicker issue, though the game settings matched my desktop resolution:

Fixing Stuttering
Many players report issues with stuttering in No Man's Sky, despite their PC being up to spec. The usual ensure your drivers up to date doesn't work for everyone, so you may have to play around with settings. Borderless window mode works for a lot of people to reduce stuttering, assuming you can get it to work without flickering!

Try also going into your graphics card's control panel and the 3d settings. From there you can try setting vsync to adaptive. It may also help to use triple buffering, but your results may vary.

If none of this works for you, consider checking out this post on reddit where users have written a lot about problems and what settings worked for them..

I know these things will not fix every issue for every player but I hope it helps a few people to get started playing No Man's Sky.

Other No Man's Sky Guides

No Man's Sky Guides

Ships New
Finding Trade Posts New
Consumable Crafting New
Mining New
Sentinels & Wanted Level New
Making Money and Crafting New
Skip AtlasPass V2 & V3
Getting Warp Reactors
Atlas Interfaces & Anomalies
Antimatter & Warp Cells
Atlaspass V1, Anomaly Choices
Get a Better Ship
Carry More Items: Add Slots
Signal Scanners
Survival: Elements to Recharge
No Man's Sky Controls for PC/PS4
Beginners Guide to the HUD & Scan Symbols New

I'm presently working on No Man's Sky, Stardew Valley, Fallout 4 and improvement of my Sims 4 Guide. This year, I hope to continue with these projects simultaneously and update them as they receive DLC.

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